Forgiveness and Technology

Brain/cognitive studies and spirituality studies are beginning to cross over into investigating forgiveness. This is a positive movement. A researcher in Italy, Dr. Pietro Pietrini, at the University of Pisa Medical School, is studying the neural basis of forgiveness. Berry & Worthington are attempting to explore forgiveness as a trait and are finding that those with higher levels of baseline cortisol in their blood are less forgiving than those with lower levels of cortisol. The good news is that this can change.

Given that positive connections have been found between forgiveness and psychological and physical health and that evidence shows that forgiveness intervention can reduce depression and anger, it is crucial that we continue to investigate how emotions and negative narratives impact forgiveness. In the study I conducted regarding forgiveness and divorce, anger and depression stood out to be the most powerfully related variables to lack of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of the ex-spouse.

For those who doubt the power of forgiveness, the added benefit of using technology is intriguing. Just look at the work that is being done at The HeartMath Institute and you will see some pretty solid evidence. It is conceivable that researchers could be able to monitor people through the process of divorce and view the changing biochemistry of emotions at various points in time in regard to forgiveness.

For those interested in finding out more about integrating psychology and technology, an interesting website to visit is

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