Category Archive for 'Meditation and Forgiveness'

The Power of Imagery to Heal

I feel quite passionate about our ability to use our imaginations to create a more positive and loving future. When we use the term “imagery,” it does not simply refer to the visual field, but to all of our senses. Dr. Jeanne Achterberg, a leader in imagery exploration and application, refers to imagery as “the […]

Imagine Forgiveness

Available at           and other venues.

Chakra Mountain CD is Now Available at

In fact all three CDs, Feel Welcome Now, Feel Forgiveness Now, and Chakra Mountain are available at

Current Articles of Interest

1)  A recent edition of the journal American Psychologist (May-June 2009, vol. 64, no.4) has an article entitled Can Imagined Interactions Produce Positive Perceptions? Reducing Prejudice Through Simulated Social Contact by R. J. Crisp & R. N. Turner. 2) A recent edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 95, No. 5) has an article […]

Award for Feel Forgiveness Now CD

          I am typically not one to boast, but people have been encouraging me to post a little something about a recent award that Shantha Sri and I received for our CD, Feel Forgiveness Now. We were pleased to receive news that we had been included in the list of final nominees for the Just Plain […]

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